The Most Expensive Chanel Diamond Forever Bag

Encourage us to improve our listening to their weapons of diamond-like stars in the sky, they cannot access to us. But cheap chanel bags always makes us dream come true. This Chanel diamond forever bags will make you feel in your hand when you execute this dazzling bag holds a lot of stars.

The law of the world's most extravagant handbags of Forbes list, this Chanel classic ice crocodile bag costs $ leap to the first position forcefully on ear diamond crocodile.

Only the limited edition 13 available throughout the world, and the most expensive luxury Chanel Handbags debuted in December 2007.

It has the traditional chanel wallet purse, cope with intrinsic 3.56 Carat body contained 334 diamonds and white gold 18 carats of hardware settings that will be added to this fantastic bag warm shoulder chain consisting of top qualified white alligator farming and the matte finish treatment. What's more important CC logo displays the top fashion house Chanel incomparable charm and charm.

AHA, chanel bags has shaken the fashion world, once again, the traditional customs of the United States. We all know that 13 is considered as an unlucky number. This is almost the world of belief. But don't you dare it, a lucky 13 first crab eating?

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